luni, 21 martie 2011

Brink's Bodybuilding Revealed
Affiliate Resources

Click the play button to hear a quick message from Will Brink.

Welcome to my affiliate resource and learning center! Here you're going to find all the articles, branded e-books, images and resources you need to maximize your revenue from the affiliate program.
Quick Info as of July 08
I pay out 75% commision, the max Clickbank allows, current packages are at $47 for the standard package and $67 on the upsell, soon to rise to $77. So your payments are $31.85 on the standard package and $45.73 on the deluxe package. Conversions are sky high, quality product, pro affiliate tools from somebody who understands the market. Prompt affiliate support. Serious money to be made for everybody.
If you have not already subscribed to my affiliate newsletter, then quickly get signed up below.

Affiliate Newsletter Get Signed Up ...

Website URL:
Clickbank ID:

I send out notifications when new articles and Q&A's are ready, cutting edge marketing tools and tips, Adwords guides, details of special promotions and cash back rewards, and much more. Not being signed up is going to impact your earnings and make it impossible for me to keep you updated, it's absolutely critical so please get that done now.
Now you're signed up, I suggest shooting off to the "Setup Details and How To Get Started" link from the main menu on the left.
As you may already know if you have been in the "biz" for a while, I have a long-standing reputation in the fitness industry business backed by solid evidence and a no BS approach. Such an approach is often hard to find in the current market that all too often relies heavily on fluff and hype to sell product. My program pays out a strong return, and working together, we can create an income stream with "legs" that will continue to generate income for both of us.
As my affiliate, you're my personal concern, so if you need anything, anything at all, then don't hesitate to just drop me a line here and I'll get back to you asap.
It's really this simple, if you don't succeed, then neither do I, and I'm not big on failing, so let me know what you need, and I'll make sure your able to maximize your revenue from the BBR program.
If you have any suggestions you would like to offer, or have any specific requirements, again just drop me a line here.

William D. Brink
Author and Industry Consultant.

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